
[[ The Lonesome Dancer ]]

Level 42
Master =D
15th November 2007
Beat Up Maniac
Lies the darkest secret...

[[ Hates ]]

Xia lan pros
Being left out
Act pro noobs
Uncivilised Leechers

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Oh ?

Poly has started . Hope everyone is doing well . Havent been in good health , hahas . But don't worry , I'm coping life well . Just reprimanded 3 friends today . Oh well . Please support Solace Boi Boi's blog , he have nice contents =) You can get to his blog from my link section , or click here . I wanna go for a body check up . But I can't bring myself to tell my parents for they will be very worried , even tho they suggested it before . Haiz . There's 2 types of death in this world , and there's 2 kind of scenario . The 2 deaths : 1 is die of natural course , the other 1 die of unnatural course ( commit suicide , murdered , accident ) . The 2 scenario : 1 is die in peace , the other 1 is die with regrets ( unfulfilled wishes , didnt want to die , etc ) . Death will find it's way to us some day anyway , all I wish is to live life to it's fullest . When I die someday , I hope there are friends sending me off , and also especially my love ones . Hehs . Sounds like I'm dying right ? Hahaha .. Death is not the end , but another beginning . Even god makes mistakes , humans are bound to make mistakes as well . But not everyone is gracious enough to forgive . A person who loves you a lot and another person who you loves a lot , which will you choose ? The answer is apparent .

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hope. Wish. Pray..

The day I post my return to the blog, something happened. I and my laopo who have lasted for 2 days before 4th month, broke up.. Emotions ran throughout my body, causing me to be unstable. My heart was torn apart.. I always had a broken heart due to family problems. She succeeded in putting them whole again, but now it's in a much worse state than it used to be.. I love you laopo.. I really do.. I hope all readers out there help me by praying with me for my beloved's return.. Even tho I don't know how long will it take, but I've decided to wait for her, no matter what happens, even if the chances are slim, I will persevere and let my love towards her open that fragile yet beautiful heart for me once and for all eternity, just like what she had done for me. . Why did we broke up? I'm the main reason why we broke up bahx.. 1 week after Friday the 13th which is 20th of March, you had to go Orchard to prepare for your SYF competition costume.. I have to teach tuition on that day, thus I weren't able to go with you, so you called your di for his accompany. I didnt like the idea, but you assured me, nothing will happen, nothing will happen.. So I trusted you, even though I said something which could have upset/hurt you.. After you left, I checked the conversation of you and your di coz I wanna know about his sad past too. But what I saw was beyond what I could have imagined.. Her didi obviously have feelings for her, and she even said things like dun fall in love with other people for her sake.. I saw she wrote a lot of things that she was unhappy with me. This I can understand, cause it's really my fault, I have not realise that the actions I unintentionally did have caused you so much hurt. But why didn't you just tell me solemnly, make me understand since you really love me. Haiz.. You asked if I want to meet you after tuition, of course I want, silly laopo. Then after tuition, I asked where were u, and u told me that u're still with ur di at Orchard Takashimaya. So I asked you expect me to go so far ar? Can meet at Dhoby Ghaut? Then you asked ur di and he didnt want to, so you told me to go home first.. It hurts, double blow.. Wanted to meet you right after tuition, then can go buy dinner together, but you asked me to go home first.. I'm not wrong to feel this way, cause you're the person I love what, I really treasure our times together. I love you.. I felt upset that now you've even set your priority to him. Out of anger, I said "Fine do whatever you want, I don't care le lah!" Hmmm... Don't care? How possible? Then we smsed each other, but I just keep letting my anger and jealousy take over me, thus I said really harsh words.. I'm really sorry.. Then I said that it'd be better for the both of us if we remained as kor and mei.. and you replied, you always liddat say de.. The stupidest thing I did later, was to say to break.. This has became my living regret. You said that I should not do things that I'll regret, but I didnt regret being with you, why must you insist on leaving? You told me never give up on you, but why must you give up on me? My heart really hurts a lot, I've seriously never feel this kind of pain before, not even once for my previous relationships.. This proves that I seriously love you, but you no longer feels the same way.. I knew that you 2 will definitely kiss and hug, like we used to, I really cannot stand this poison spreading in my heart. I called to apologise and was very emotional that I was crying all the way. People were looking and also laughing at me but I just heck care them because you're the most important thing to me, I don't care about my pride.. Why didn't you give me another chance, all I thought was to hurt myself physically when we were on the phone. I didnt want to threaten you, it hurt so much in the heart that I'd rather receive physical pain. I really don't want to lose you.. I've not slept since 20th March until now 24th March 2:41am and I'm still awake typing.. Weren't your love so strong for me that nothing will break us apart? Because of my flaws you abandoned me, you xian qi me.. You said that you gave me a lot of chances to change everyday, but I didn't realise.. Sorry laopo.. I was stupid. Wanted you to come home so badly, then my phone no batt.. I ran home as fast as possible to charge and called you again.. Please don't leave me.. I prayed. You told me you'll be leaving at 8+, I suppose you're gonna spend time with him.. Having someone you love so much hugging and kissing with another person, it's far more worse than just having the fear of it. How I wish I was borned on 1993.. During the period where I was home alone, I was petrified. I don't know what to do, I've never experience this before, why am I experiencing it.. I cannot take the fact that my heart hurt so much, so I wanted to cut myself. Dunno whether I'm lucky or not, I cut with no bleed. You came back at around 9+. I realised that my laopo isnt my laopo anymore.. She's not looking at me into my eyes and didn't give me that always managed to make me happy de smile. Haiz.. Misery.. To be continued..

Laopo wrote all this for me..

Friday, March 20, 2009


Finally I'm posting something again. My audience seems to have stopped viewing my blog, I'm so glad to see Kelvin still visiting my blog, hahas. Anyways, while new chapter unfolds, new group of audience will find their way here eventually, and new life adventures will be on the go. Don't worry, I'm doing fine. Sorry if anyone of you out there felt neglected by me, I've been on a tight schedule xP If you wanna chat or anything, feel free to sms me or msn me k? That's all for now. Takecares everyone ^^ Looking forward to Choon Keat's chalet on the 27th of March =)

Kekiyo Uchida.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Love :o

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle.

Girl : Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy : No, this is fun.
Girl : No it's not, please, it's so scary.
Guy : Then tell me that you love me.
Girl : I love you, slow down.
Guy : Now give me a big hug..
*She gave him a big hug*
Guy : Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? It's really bothering me.
The next day in the newspaper:
"A motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure.
Two people were in the crash, but only one survived."
The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know.
Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loves him one last time.
Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die.

Something to share with you all about love.

Kekiyo Uchida.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy birthday to me!!!

It's been so long since I last posted, I'm gonna make this blog alive again, possible mah? Let's make it possible =) At this moment, life seemed plain. No longer a need to go to school, no longer a need to study. The 'O' levels have passed, my life seemed to be passing by day by day without an aim.. Nope. That is not true. Currently I'm preparing myself for my prom night ^^ After prom night, I'll be finding a job to earn lots of money ^^ Then think of how to spend my money xP No lah, maybe will save my money, then when studying poly next year can buy myself a high quality laptop ^^ Anyway, on 14th November, Chin Kiang, Daren, Jesslyn, Kelvin, Kenneth, Marcus, Nelson, Qi Yin, Zhi Yang and me met at 1:40pm and went to Orchard for shopping. Was hungry because I haven't eaten anything yet. When we arrived at Orchard, we went to Far East Shopping Centre first. There's nothing much there, went there just to accompany Kenneth the birthday boy of the day to buy his psp =) After that, went to Far East Plaza, I realised a lot of shops selling male clothes have vanished, Chin Kiang bought his set of clothes there too. I must admit the clothes from that shop are quite nice =) Anyways, after that we decided to go Singapore Expo to EAT! xD My hobby x3 Ate Satay and Sharkfin ONLY!!! OMG.. I just realised I ate so little, normally I eat a lot more de!!! That explains why I was already feeling hungry in Tampines.. Then we took bus 27 and alight at the soccer field near Kelvin's house, went to his house to sleep while others went somewhere else. Actually I was just faking sleep then I heard Nelson telling others that I've fell asleep xP Well, soon after that Kelvin pulled me out of his room, saying some things which I felt was fishy xP Then I saw a birthday cake with candles lit in the living room, where it was pitch dark, then I guessed that they'd all be ambushing in the room with ps2, seeing David hiding in the master room, which the others couldnt be inside, they were actually hiding behind the sofa, then they were singing the birthday song, for me, I was like so touched! Thanks everybody, I really felt very touched that you all had actually bought cake and dessert to celebrate Kenneth's and my birthday! Somemore the cake still has my name written with choclate cream on it, altho it's spelt wrongly, but my gratitude for u all wouldn't be any lesser =D Million of thx to everybody.. Originally I didn't thought that you all would be celebrating my birthday on Kenneth's birthday, but then in the afternoon, Kelvin asked if can come my house borrow coat from me, then I was thinking, is he intending to come my house celebrate for me? Or whatever else, but it just doesn't make sense, so I stopped thinking much about it. Then later on when going back "home", Kelvin kept pestering me about the coat thingy, then is like everybody suddenly got involve in it saying me just go lend him the coat etc etc.. I smelt something fishy, definitely. Then after that I heard you all saying something about buying a cake, I thought it was just purely for Kenneth, but then you all saw me hearing the conversation and seemed shocked, at that moment I thought that you all were planning something for me, I was already feeling touched. After that I decided to cancel my meeting with another friend =x Not just because I know you all want celebrate with me then cancel the meeting, also because I think I shouldn't just walk out since Kenneth's birthday celebration phase is still continuing. In any case, I really had a happy time, and it's the first year where my friends actually make an effort to celebrate my birthday with me. Sincerest thanks to everybody. Also thank you Jesslyn for your hand made present, havent open it yet, shall open it when I've received all my presents bahx. Hopefully I'll receive pretty much more presents than usual xP Thanks for all the birthday messages everybody ^^ My post shall end here, and wow I wrote quite a lot, hehs. See ya ^^

Kekiyo Uchida.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Long time no post le, miss my blog.. In school com lab now =)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Narrative writing.

Jason's copy : Here

Jesslyn Teo's copy : Here

Good luck for the papers tomorrow.
___ Kekiyo Uchida ___
[[ The sad little boy ]]

Charles Lim ~ ќēkıyо^uçhìdå ~
15th November 1992

[[ Loves ]]

♥ My one and only laopo ♥

[[ The Wishlist ]]

♥♥ All ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥ I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥ WANT ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ IS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ MY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LAOPO !!! ♥

[[ Wannabes ]]

♥ laopo's only loving laogong ♥

________Jayson Designs Solace Boi Boi
Chin Kiang
Half a Dozen
Jia Ling
Kelvin Lai
Rui Jing
Shao Ming
Shu Min
Team 11
Wei Jie
Xiu Li
Yan Lin
Yun Wen

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